Read all this Informations carefully before creating your Profile Card.
Profile Image
In Profile Image, Select the image you want to make your Profile Image.
User Name
In User Name, Enter the name you use in real life.
In Profession, Enter your profession, talent or hobby that you are, So people can easily find you on Spymap.
Set Location
In the Set Location, Enter your location where you live, the Pin Code, District, City/Town & Area in which you live.
Email or Phone
In the Email or Phone, Enter your Email Address or Phone Number. So if you face any problem on Spymap, then you can contact us so that we can solve your problem.
In the Contact, Enter your Email Address or Phone Number (opptional). So people can contact you.
In Gender, select your gender Male, Female or Other.
In Password, Enter your Password that you want to make your Password.
After entering all your informations carefully, click on the "Create Profile Card" button below,
your own Profile Card will be created.